
The Advocates’ Society is often asked to intervene in matters that are of significance to the profession.

Click here for a list of The Advocates' Society's interventions

These are the factors that our Board of Directors consider in determining whether to apply for leave to intervene:
  • Is there is a demonstrated importance of and need for the Society’s intervention?
  • Is the matter of broad interest to the profession, which extends beyond the interests of the parties to the litigation?
  • Is intervention by the Society in the interest of the public?
  • Does the matter affect:
    • Access to justice
    • The practice of law by advocates
    • Procedural matters of broad application
    • The right to counsel
    • The independence of the bar
    • The administration of justice, or
    • An issue of law that is of importance to the proper representation of parties before courts or tribunals?
  • Are principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion in relation to the profession or the issues listed above present in the case, and would the Society’s intervention have a beneficial impact on equality, diversity, and inclusion in these areas?
  • Is there certainty or a reasonable prospect for success in the matter?
  • Are there any reasons the Society should not seek intervenor status, including the need for a disproportionate expenditure of time or resources, reputational risk, or otherwise?

Intervention Requests and Media Inquiries:
Dave Mollica, [email protected]
Director of Policy and Professional Development
416-597-0243 x 125
(Please indicate how your matter meets the above criteria)