Welcome to the Class Actions Practice Group Page

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The number of class actions filed in Canada has grown significantly in recent years, and that trend appears to be continuing.  Though class actions practitioners deal with a broad range of substantive issues, we share an interest in a powerful set of procedural tools which are intended to deliver significant benefits to litigants - chief among them, access to justice and judicial economy.  As we know, in delivering these benefits, the tools themselves can consume significant amounts of our time, court resources and, accordingly, our clients' money.  They also raise significant, complicated and often novel issues which benefit from the informed input of experienced counsel.

2024-2025 Class Actions Practice Group
Chair: Garth Myers, Kalloghlian Myers LLP (Toronto)
Vice-Chair: Paul-Erik Veel, Lenczner Slaght (Toronto)
Secretary: Tina Qi Yang, Goldblatt Partners LLP (Toronto)
Member-at-Large: Jeremy Martin, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP (Toronto)
Member-at-Large: Alicja Puchta, Torys LLP (Toronto)
Member-at-Large: Francesca Taddeo, Bennett Jones LLP (Montreal)