Young Advocates Standing Committee (YASC)

The Voice for Young Advocates


The mandate of YASC is to be a voice for advocates ten years of call or fewer by providing them with access to a community of peers and colleagues, and a platform within the Society.

YASC organizes networking and mentoring events, publishes articles by and for young advocates in our quarterly newsletter, connects young advocates with volunteer opportunities and works to ensure that issues of concern to young advocates are addressed – both within the Society and throughout the profession at large. 

YASC: A Primer

  • YASC consists of approximately 40 members, including an executive (Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary)
  • YASC is represented on Society's Standing Committees 
  • YASC is committed to diversity and strives to be a committee that reflects the community we serve, the community of advocates in Canada and members of the Society
  • Our members practice in a wide range of practice areas, firm sizes and locations, including Toronto, Ottawa, Kingston, Windsor, London, Thunder Bay, Halifax, Montreal, Barrie, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver

How to Get Involved

YASC Executive

YASC Committee